خانه » ENGLISH



In today’s world permeated with turbulence, the predominant language has changed into that of indignation, violence, and extremism. Countries, nations, cultures, and people speak in the language of wrath. However, we have chosen the language of tolerance, peace, and friendship.


The language that merciful and compassionate God has taught us. The language that the prophet of love, light, and affection has instructed us in. That one which brings our hearts near together and substitutes unity and kindness for distances, divisions, and differences.


Iranian, Islamic, and Shiite culture is that of thought, coexistence, and kindness. And we are descendants of this cult. We intend to replace the language of violence and extremism with that of Gulistan (the Rose Garden) and Bostan (the Orchard). And we are the supporters of the culture of peace, discussion, and tolerance



Mohammad Reza Saidi

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